The Benefits of Regular General Dentist Visits

The Benefits of Regular General Dentist Visits from Ohio Cosmetic Dentists in Columbus, OHVisiting a general dentist regularly can have a tremendous impact on the health and appearance of teeth. While carving out time in a schedule every six months for a dentist appointment can seem inconvenient, there are several reasons to set aside an hour or two twice a year for these visits.

Prevent tooth decay

Dental professionals use specialized tools to clean the teeth. These tools can accomplish things daily brushing and flossing are unable to do as thoroughly.

Remove plaque

Throughout the day, the food and beverages that enter the mouth as well as saliva produce deposits of bacteria. As small amounts of bacteria accumulate towards the roots of the teeth, a plaque buildup forms. This plaque produces harmful acid that can damage both the teeth and gums, causing cavities, decay, and gingivitis.

The truth is, even high-quality toothbrushes are unable to remove 100% of the bacteria on the teeth. Unless a dental professional is allowed to use specialized tools to scrape off the plaque, it can continue to accumulate and damage the mouth. The longer the time between dental visits, the more plaque can build up and the greater the chances of tooth erosion and decay.

Remove tartar

Plaque that is allowed to remain on the teeth can develop into an accumulation of tartar. Tartar is hard deposits on the teeth that can seal stains into the teeth and result in severe discoloration. Once tartar has formed, it is much more difficult to remove existing bacteria and plaque, so tooth damage and decay typically occur at a much faster rate. Attempting to deal with tartar buildup at home can result in chipped enamel or bloody gums, so visit a dental professional with the appropriate tools to remove tartar.

Improve tooth appearance

Even healthy teeth can benefit from regular general dentist visits.

Remove stains

Some of the discoloration that tends to occur towards the roots of the teeth along the gum line is the result of plaque and tartar buildup and can be removed with the proper dental tools. Although special bleaching procedures may be required to dramatically whiten the entire tooth, the enamel along the gum line can typically be brightened up with just a regular cleaning.

Keep the teeth and gums healthy

Teeth are generally more attractive when they are healthy. Straight, white teeth are one sign of good oral hygiene. Visiting a dentist routinely can help catch smaller issues or warning signs of damage before serious problems develop. Keeping the teeth and gums healthy can both help them look better and last longer.

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General Dentist in Columbus, OH


Both the health and appearance of the teeth can only be properly maintained through regular general dentist visits. Failure to visit the dentist twice yearly can result in unnecessary damage to the teeth and gums. Ensuring any plaque and tartar is promptly removed can keep the teeth from decaying and becoming discolored, as well as help them look great.

Request an appointment or call Ohio Cosmetic Dentists at 614-503-5240 for an appointment in our Columbus office.

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