Seeing a Family Dentist Makes Dental Care Easy

Family Dentist Columbus, OH

Few people are thrilled at the thought of sitting in their dentist's chair. While dental anxiety is a real problem for many people, even those who do not experience that level of discomfort still have occasional misgivings or even fears. Finding a family dentist that you are comfortable with can help you get through those situations with a bit less malaise. Here are five ways a family dentist makes life easier. 

5 reasons to have a family dentist

The importance of the relationship between dentist and patient cannot be overstated. Your dentist is a partner in caring for your oral health throughout your life, from preventive dental care to restorative procedures. Everyone should have a dentist that they see regularly at semi-annual oral checkups. Here are the most compelling reasons to choose a family dentist to provide your dental care. 

1. Family dentists forge long-term relationships with patients

Since a family dentist can treat the entire family, the patient-dentist relationship tends to be long-lasting. Having a healthcare professional who knows you and your dental history allows the dentist to better serve you and your family. With more visits, the rapport builds and improves.

Family dentists have experience treating people of all ages, including children. Kids have more positive experiences when their oral care is provided by professionals who are patient and tender. Early experiences with healthcare often determine whether or not a person becomes anxious when seeing a doctor or dentist later in life. A good relationship with a dental team trained and practiced in caring for younger patients can set them up for a lifetime of good oral hygiene.

Visiting a family dentist as recommended is considered as imperative to your health as seeing a primary care physician. These appointments can keep you and each member of your family from experiencing more severe oral and other health concerns with preventive treatment and early detection.

2. They offer convenience

Family dentists can treat everyone in a family in one day. This saves you from making multiple trips to various offices to seek oral health treatment, saving on gas and valuable time. Further, the majority of family dental groups have several dentists on staff. This affords the opportunity for multiple family members to all be seen at the same time and get out even faster from your one-stop dental location. 

3. They provide preventative care

Having dental checkups twice each year keeps teeth healthy and prevents gum disease. Most patients are eligible for annual X-rays. These detect tooth decay that is not visible to the dentist otherwise. Additionally, teeth that are not cleaned professionally often end up with plaque, which turns into tartar when untreated. Tartar then disintegrates the gums, destroying the soft tissue that cannot be reversed. This can worsen into gingivitis, which involves an infection where the gum connects to the tooth. Gingivitis causes gum recession, creating a breakdown of the tissue attached to the gum, which then results in advanced gum disease. Advanced gum disease can cause pain and can ultimately result in loss of multiple teeth.

4. They help detect disease

Family dentists conduct thorough checks of the mouth, head, and neck for anything out of the ordinary such as swelling or redness. These inspections can detect gum disease and can also detect various cancers that could otherwise go undetected and become more serious.

5. They can restore your teeth

Family dentists work with patients to avoid problems with teeth and gums, but sometimes damage occurs anyway due to accidents, diet, poor hygiene, or bad habits. Dental professionals can address problems (such as missing or broken teeth, tooth decay, gum disease, misalignment, or discoloration) by utilizing restorative options, including the following:

  • fillings to stabilize and repair a decaying tooth
  • bonding to repair a chipped or broken tooth
  • implants to replace significantly damaged teeth with artificial ones
  • crowns to protect teeth from additional damage
  • bridges to replace a row of artificial teeth into areas of the mouth with multiple missing teeth
  • whitening to lighten enamel that has become discolored


The choice of a family dentist to provide for the oral health care of you and other members of your household is a convenient and beneficial decision. Having a dentist you can count on to provide you with top-notch care is important to maintaining your teeth and improving your overall health and wellness. A family dentist can provide age-appropriate care as well as accommodate your busy schedule by providing a one-stop spot to meet your loved ones' dental needs.

Request an appointment here: or call Ohio Cosmetic Dentists at (614) 503-5240 for an appointment in our Columbus office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Family Dentist in Columbus, OH.

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