Cavity Treatment: How to Treat the 3 Most Common Types of Cavities

General Dentist Columbus, OH

Understanding the symptoms and treatment options for different types of cavities can ensure that you get the appropriate cavity treatment so you do not lose the tooth and can eliminate discomforting symptoms. While every patient receives a personalized plan for cavity treatment, there are basic details to become familiar with regarding the diagnostic and treatment process. 

A review of the symptoms and treatment for different cavity types

The three types of cavities are a smooth surface cavity, pit and fissure cavity and root cavity. Each type poses a unique concern, has unique symptoms and requires its own treatment process. This review highlights the different cavity types and how a general dentist can treat each one. 

Smooth surface cavities

Smooth surface cavities are perhaps the least common cavity type. They are not as severe a concern as pit and fissure cavities and roto cavities, but they do require prompt cavity treatment. Minor cases of smooth surface cavities may be able to be repaired through fluoride treatment, although more severe smooth surface cavities likely require a dental filling. Smooth surface cavities can develop into more serious cavity types if left untreated, compromising the long-term health of the tooth, and tooth loss could occur if left untreated for too long. 

Pit and fissure cavities

Pit and fissure cavities occur on the chewing surface of teeth, particularly teeth that are located farther back in the mouth, such as the premolars, molars and wisdom teeth. If detected early, pit and fissure cavity treatment can include fluoride treatment or dental sealants. Moderate-sized cavities may need a dental filling, and severe pit and fissure cavities require roto canal therapy or a dental crown in many cases. If left untreated, pit and fissure cavities could eventually worsen and lead to severe symptoms and tooth loss. 

Root cavities

Root cavities occur closer to the root of a tooth. This commonly occurs in older patients who have experienced gum erosion or deep gum pockets. Often, root cavities are repaired with a dental filling. More severe root cavities, however, require root canal therapy, particularly if the decay has reached the pulp chamber. If root cavities cannot be effectively treated with fillings or root canal therapy, dental crowns or teeth replacement may be necessary. 

Tips for cavity prevention

The best way to deal with dental cavities is to prevent them from developing in the first place. Patients can significantly reduce the risk of dental cavities by practicing good oral hygiene, brushing, flossing and using mouthwash regularly. Eating a low-sugar diet is also helpful in reducing the risk of acidic reactions in the mouth that break down tooth enamel. 

Schedule a visit for cavity treatment with our dental team

If you have symptoms of a cavity and feel as if you need cavity treatment, then contact our dental team today to set up a convenient time to visit. We can diagnose the exact type of cavity you have and offer prompt treatment.

Request an appointment here: or call Ohio Cosmetic Dentists at (614) 503-5240 for an appointment in our Columbus office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: General Dentist in Columbus, OH.

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